Monday, June 11, 2012


Well this weekend was hectic as I promised. It started with therapy for Lucas on Friday afternoon. I make a habit of arriving 15-20 minutes early to EVERY  appointment. Its my biggest pet peeve to deal with people and their tardiness and I wouldn't have myself being late... ever as long as I can help it.  I left the house 45 minutes before his appointment. I spent over an hour in bumper to bumper traffic for what I thought was more unnecessary road work they have been doing (instead of employing sheriffs to keep the highway safe ) so I bitched and moaned as I got into the right hand lane behind a bajillion cars because the signs told me to. (Merge right, left lane ends in... feet) My second biggest pet peeve is when other drivers haul ass past where you have been sitting forever just so they can get as far up the line as possible. I became overly irate by this point. About an hour and 15 minutes into sitting in traffic and moving as slow as a snail, we came upon an accident. I was HORRIFIED. It looked like a scene from CSI or something. There were bodies covered in sheets and blood and glass a chunks of cars all over the road. I was sick to my stomach as you could tell most of them were young children, one even looked like a baby. Heartbreaking. So now I felt like the biggest asshole ever for bitching about how my time was being wasted and cussing out random doosh bags for cutting in line when babies would never grow up... mothers would never see their babies graduate. Needless to say I was instantly okay with being late... Lucas and I prayed and prayed for the souls of those lost for their families and friends who would miss them and mourn them.

We got to therapy late, they still made time for us (they are wonderful people) Lucas is being referred to a psychiatrist :( and they are thinking he is hyper active, well I already know this is going to become a battle as I refuse to put my 5 year old son on medication. REFUSE!! He is 5, it would be unnatural if he WASN'T hyperactive right?? BUT he does have some unresolved anger issues that seem to be surrounding his relationship with Sonny. His therapist thinks he blames himself for Sonny & I fighting and for Sonny going to prison. Ridiculous I know but he is 5 and his brain works differently than mine. So we have a few coping mechanisms we are going to start trying until we can get in to see the head shrink.

After therapy, Lucas and I went home and picked my mom and Mark & Einstein up and loaded the car up and headed down to grants pass. We dropped the dog at my sisters and headed over to my girlfriends house where we would be staying for the weekend. Saturday I went to another friends 25th birthday party and showed off my beautiful red headed little girl and Sunday we threw a pretty good BBQ for my dad, my little brother and my grandmother. A Bon Voyage BBQ as they will be moving to Mississippi at the end of the month :( then we decided to stay another night and my grandmother actually kept all 3 kids overnight for me. I planned on having a few drinks with another friend of mine but at the last minute plans fell through and I ended up going back to the house and sleeping LOL

I picked the kiddos up this morning and they all had a blast. I was nervous leaving Olivia so soon, but it was great! I got some sleep and the kids had a blast! So were home now, until Thursday and then we are go on a mini vacation to Medford. Stay with some friends and just soak up this summer sun!! Ill put up photos soon!! PROMISE!!

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