Monday, May 14, 2012

Family Updates!

So I figured Id share some recent family photos with everyone! Show off my gorgeous life!! Since I haven't done that in a while.

Here is a photo of my baby girl! She is 8 weeks old today! Feels like just yesterday I was pregnant!! Time sure does fly!! and she is getting big fast! Smiles all the time and is even starting to giggle!
I'm still her favorite person THANK GOD! I just love her so much!

Here is Mark... sitting in his Aunt Leah's shop on a horse saddle. I can not believe he will be 4 in 2 months.. He is almost officially out of toddler-hood. My little pre-schooler.. He is growing so fast and has the attitude to match!!

Lucas still wont let me take many photos of him... So here is one with him and my mom and Bentley!!  Loving his Mohawk!!

Next is all of us this morning! I love my babies sooo much!! It seems like life is rushing by us and before I know it, they will be grown and gone. I cant even think of that... Ill die when they leave home!
And lastly.. we have couple photos that I took the last time I had Bentley! Yes!! I put him in a dress!! He wanted it.. tried dressing himself... So I helped and took incriminating photos.... but I promised his mother I would NOT put them on facebook or send them to anyone.... She didn't say anything about my blog... Mwahahahahaha... Isn't he ADORABLE??? And I got to see what it will look like on Olivia... well sorta!!

Oooops I lied... one more... This is me and lil Bentley!! I just love him soo much!!!
Well that's all for now!! I'm sure Ill find more later that Ill just HAVE to put up!!!

Night all!!

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