Monday, May 14, 2012

30 day Photo Challenge - Day 4

A photo of my night!

My night's consist of ensuring my baby girl is happy and content and well taken care of and the Internet. I spend about 4-6 hours every night (what is this sleep I hear of?!!?!?!?) reading from my online textbooks, completing assignment, talking with classmates about the material, discussing the reading for the week with the class, checking my Facebook (what?!?! I need a break every now and then.) and ATTEMPTING to get a few hours sleep so I can be up with the boys all day. (I don't get to take naps)

I wait until about 8:30pm to begin my night regime so that I KNOW the boys are in bed and if not sleeping at least on their way to dreamland. Baby girl usually falls asleep about 9-10. Most days she just sits beside me cooing and yelling at me. I usually read and take GREAT notes during this time so I can still interact with her. I feed her at about 10:30pm while finishing my reading and then she is ready for bed by 11-11:15. This is when I start getting crazy with the classwork. I can usually get my daily participation done in about an hour and a half. Then I work for another 45 minutes on my assignments (EACH). I am usually done no later than 3-3:30am. Then off to dreamland I go because the boys get up at about 7:30am 8-8:30am if I'm lucky and they sleep in (I'm not lucky often). I'm very busy all day long as well, so please don't think I sleep all day. Not in this house... there is ALWAYS something that can be done -- Laundry, dishes, vacuuming, mopping etc. Also, Lucas does not take regular naps (he will if he is super tired) but he will stay up while Mark takes his nap (with my mom) and we work on his alphabet. He starts kindergarten this year and I have been a horrible mommy and let him play and have fun instead of teaching him things. I read a blog somewhere (sorry I have no idea where it is.. Ive looked and cant find it again) about the 75 things a child should know BEFORE entering kindergarten (SAD FACE) Lucas is not even halfway there. I know I know... I'm a horrible mother.. I just concentrated more on playtime when I was home because I worked so much and was gone all day. But we are working on it. He may not be up to par when he starts school but he wont be far behind and Ill be damned if I wont get him ahead a ways before Christmas!! Any who, so I'm busy all day and ALL night...

Well that's my night! Sorry I tied my day into it as well... being a full time mommy of 3 (including a newborn) is a 24 hour gig! Add on to that I am a full time bachelors program student and its chaos!! So my days run together a bit. Oh well!!

WORTH IT IN THE END... when I'm makin the big bucks!!Pin It

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