Saturday, May 12, 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge

Today (tonight rather), since I cant sleep, I started googling.. just random things that popped into my head and I came across a blog for beginner bloggers... Well HEY that's me right? I have had a hard time finding things to write about, unless something major happens in my life, and this blogger expert guy recommends a 30 day photo challenge... So I am going for it!! 30 days.. 30 photos.... 30 stories... Here goes nothing!!!

Day 1: A Picture of yourself with 15 facts! ~~ Well thats easy enough!

  1. I am 25 years old! Born 1/19/1987 ~~ A Capricorn/Aquarius cusp!
  2. I have 3 children. Lucas is 5, Mark is 3 1/2 and Olivia is almost 8 weeks. They are my life.
  3. I am married! Our relationship has been rocky and things are complicated but he is my best friend and I love him!
  4. I am borderline insane! Ill do anything to make you laugh! I love to make people smile.
  5. My mother lives us. She is legally insane :D and I love having her so close! Yes some days Id like to strangle her, but mostly we get along great!
  6. I am unmotivated. I am overweight and love being lazy. I wish I had the gumption to get up and kill myself exercising, I know I need to yet I still just sit on my arse!
  7. I love music. It doesn't matter what kind of mood I am in, play me some music and Ill sing you a song.
  8. I love all music ~ Country, Hardcore heavy metal, rap, folk, pop, R & B ~ It doesn't matter.. I appreciate it all!
  9. I have a sugar addiction. Its horrible I know.. I wish I could just STOP craving it but I cant... Its a serious problem Ive had since I was a kid. 
  10. I am HORRIBLE about calling/texting people back. I don't really know why, I just forget or something interferes.. I'm so sorry!!!
  11. Im not really good at anything BUT being a mom! Some people can draw, or sing or are great photographers or cake decorators... not me... but I'm an awesome mom!!
  12. Im a student. I graduate this summer with my associates in Business Management degree and I am already enrolled for my Bachelors in Health Administration for fall.
  13. I am okay with my life... AS IS... I don't have extreme aspirations to become anything more than I am. A mother, wife... is that so wrong??
  14. I'm addicted to drama.... TV drama that is... Revenge, Scandal, Missing and shows like How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory.. oh and Biggest Loser!!!
  15. I am living my girly girl dreams through my daughter.. yes she is only 8 weeks old (almost) but this girl has more pink in her closet than the pink panther... I never was able to be that girl.. my mom raised me as a tom boy... i don't know how to braid hair or do my makeup... except what I can google.. so Ill learn for Olivia.. so I can teach her!!
Well that was easy!! Day 1 down... 29 to go... Ill see y'all manana!! Or later today I guess it would be....

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