Thursday, May 24, 2012

30 Day Photo challenge- Day 17

A photo of something that has made a huge impact in your life recently

Not that the words have to be said, but my daughter is the most amazing gift I have ever received. I didn't think Id ever meet her but after a long road of expecting nothing, she was given to me. She lights my world and I am so thankful that bad choices I made brought her to me. If nothing else, I have her. Ill cherish her forever, as well as my boys but there is just something different about having a little girl. I've always been proud to be a mommy and I've always be the best mommy I can be but this little girl makes me want to strive eve harder to be as close to perfect as I can get. The boys have role models, their dad (although he's made some bad choices) is a great dad and a good man (when he is clean and sober), the boys have uncle Kelly and Grandpop and Joe Joe. Olivia has me. Unless Sonny's family decide to become a part of her life (they are still a little standoff-ish) then I'm what shes got. And my mom but that's another can of worms. I love her to pieces and I vow to be the best role model I can be. Not just show her how to do the girly things like makeup and dresses or cooking and baking and cleaning but how to be a strong independent white woman in today's male egotistical society where even the minorities (whom are the real majorities) will put her down. I wont stand for it! Not my girl! She'll be the toughest girl in this town!!Pin It

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