Wednesday, May 23, 2012

30 Day Photo challenge- Day 16

A photo of someone who inspires you

This is NOT my teacher! BUT it represents a teacher! Mrs. Vicki Sarris! 4th grade teacher at Mayfair Elementary school in Philadelphia, Pa.

The summer before my fourth grade year, my family had one tragedy after another. My mother almost died during a routine surgery, well she did die, twice on the table before being revived. That same summer my biological father committed suicide. The father I never really knew.. It was a rough year for me. I was very depressed, suicidal at times. I had no one to turn to, my mom was still in recovery, my step dad was too busy doing drugs and screwing his mistress. I was alone, until I started school.

Mrs. Sarris pulled me out of a horrible time in my life. She saved me and helped set me on the path I WAS on before I turned into a teenager (:D). She is my inspiration for all time, I will always remember what she did for me and when I feel like I cant go on anymore, when times are tough, her voice is in my head, telling me to hold on that GOD has a plan and I just need to give it all to him to deal with.

Thank you for reaching out and holding my hand when I was in the worst position of my childhood!! I will be ETERNALLY grateful.Pin It

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