Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Weight Gain

Olivia has FINALLY started gaining some good weight!! We went to the doctor today and she weighed in at 10lbs and 6 oz. 23 inches long with a head circumference of 15 3/8 inches. We will keep her on the high calorie formula for another month and we will weigh in again. If she is doing good, we will switch back to normal formula!! So we shall see!! They want her to gain almost 2 more pounds before they will switch her!!
She also had her 2 month vaccinations today. Poor thing, she screamed. It was horrible. The boys red and were easily consolable. Not Olivia, sh was very upset and nothing helped. She eventually calmed down (obviously) but is still needy, so she will be sleeping in mamas bed tonight!!

I saw my doctor today as well. Did some blood tests and found out my iron levels are picking up. We will check back in 6-8 months and see if they are higher or if they dive again. If they dive, Ill need more infusions, if not then we will re-check every year. Were doing more tests on my thyroid, doc is worried. We will see how things turn out in a few weeks. Other than that all is quiet around here. Just another day in my busy life!!
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