Friday, December 23, 2011

My Family

So let me take this opportunity to introduce you to my family and give you some background on me and my life. I am a single mother to two of the most handsome boys I've ever met, and pregnant with my little girl. I am recently divorced. I moved away from my hometown once the divorce was finalized to get some distance from my husband(but have since moved back). We have spent the last 2 years of our 6 year relationship going in circles; splitting up and getting back together. It's been a vicious cycle and I thought moving myself and my children (and my mother) away would provide some much needed space for closure. That was not the case. BUT I digress, the story of that relationship is for another day. I live with my two children and my mother, who came to live with me just under two years ago. She is a wonderful woman but has some mental issues that leave her unable to maintain her own home. So she came to live with me with my sister who was 16 at the time (again, another story for another day.)
This is my oldest son: Lucas Michael. He will be 5 at the end of January. YIKES!!! He was almost 9lbs at birth and has stayed in the 98-99 percentile his whole life. Hes going to be my linebacker one day (Hopefully!!).


Next is my monster. Mark Edward who turns 4 in July. He was also almost 9lbs at birth but has remained my little guy unlike his brother. He is shorter and slightly stockier but has the energy of a heard of wild mustangs. He is my "problem child", full of energy and has the attitude to match. His favorite words are NO and Negative. He loves to test his limits and see how much he can get away with.


Finally, we have my angel. My little girl who is due spring of 2012. I feel like Ive been waiting for her my entire life. I will be naming her Olivia Marie and I hope she will be smaller than her brothers (here's hoping). She is very active, compared to the boys in-utero and already seems to be quite the little diva as she has forced cravings upon me which I normally wouldn't go for. (I didn't have any cravings with the boys at all)


My mother lives with us and has been a great help to us as I was put on bed rest at 7 weeks gestation for having sever placenta previa. I also have a weakened cervix due to stage 2 cervical cancer. So she does just about everything for me.


So that's us. My happy little family. Ill talk more about my extended family as the time goes by! I am looking forward to becoming a more seasoned blogger. Im off to finish up our Christmas wrapping and then to bed I go. My goal tomorrow is to keep these kiddos as active as possible so that when it comes time for bed tomorrow night, I wont have an issue.

Nite Y'all!

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