Friday, December 23, 2011

First Time Blogger

So, I am new to writing a blog but not new to reading them. I have a few that I follow like the daily news. However, after recent events in my life which Ill bring about in later posts, a friend of mine who is an AVID blogger suggested I make a blog and use it as a sort of "diary". With everything going on and not a lot of people who would understand where I am coming from (at least not in our circle of friends), bot of us agree that getting out whats in my mind might help alleviate some stress (and the health effects of the stress) off of my shoulders and out of my life. I saw a therapist for a while a few years ago who suggested keeping a diary or journal to help record what I feel when I feel it, as I have "issues" with getting things out in the open. So I figured, why not, Ill give it a go. Maybe it CAN help. Maybe not but lets stay positive right?

so for those of you English buffs out there who may be reading this, I am horrible when it comes to spelling and grammar usage, so I apologize in advance for all the thousands of errors I am sure you will find throughout my writing. I will be using Microsoft Word to help me eliminate some of those errors but as my grades proved, Microsfot Word is not as infallible as I once thought. I will do my very best to try to make sure my writing is as grammatically acceptab as possible, but I cant make any promises.

So as my first post, I would say this was generally easy. Just say whats on my mind. I'm sure as I progress to a more matured blogger I will most likely begin to rant and rave and as Ive been told I do frequently, I will ramble. BUT lets just see where this goes!

Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia.  ~E.L. Doctorow
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