Monday, June 25, 2012

Crazy Days...

Well we have been back from Chelivy' for a few days but I have been working my butt off for my finals which were due last night. I finished them and got them turned in and I started my last classes of my Associate's Degree today. So in 9 weeks, Ill be a college graduate. WOW. So weird to say and think about. I am taking Psych 285 and XComm 285. Both look like difficult classes with the amount of work I need to do and the finals are insane looking but I think I can handle it. I will just need to juggle my summertime activities accordingly.

On a different note, my sisters boyfriend is in jail AGAIN. I feel so sorry for her because I know she doesn't WANT this life but she cant seem to walk away from him either. My heart breaks for her. Unfortunately, she doesn't listen when I talk so I am long over trying to give her advice. Hopefully, her son, my precious nephew doesn't end up down the same road as his daddy. Don't get me wrong, Brian has a good heart but he is a dumb kid and makes some pretty rotten choices.

I've been talking to Sonny a lot and I got a letter from him about my rant and rave I gave him. I think me being able to apologize for a past transgression really has brought us closer and allowed us to see that we CAN do this. We just need to work at it. I also think (he didnt say it) that me being so open and honest has given him a little more faith in me as a wife and mother. It feels good to feel like I am his equal in most things, (physically Im still lacking). I do worry that the physical side of things will turn him away from me. I want him to want me in all ways and I know I look at myself and become disgusted so how could he look at me and feel anything different? I'm working on it though. I really am, Im just not coming up with any results. Blah...

But enough of that before I get depressed, I will keep working on me and hopefully one day I wake up and see some results LOL

Well Im off for now! Hope your summer is going as great as mine!!

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