Saturday, May 5, 2012


Well, Olivia will be seven weeks old in a couple of days and life has been absolutely insane. I have not been able to get online at all let alone write in this here blog. Between her and the boys Ive been pretty busy around here lately.

Olivia is FINALLY gaining weight. We have been fighting tooth and nail trying to get her up. She dropped down to 6lbs before her doctor added a high calorie formula to her diet. This has caused some trouble for me though, I have almost completely lost my breast milk. Olivia seems to prefer the formula and it just hasnt worked out well for us. So I have resigned myself and realized as long as she is gaining weight like she needs to then we will be okay. Yes, I wish I would have been able to breast feed her for the first year but in our situation with her issues it wasn't possible. She is doing well now though. On Wednesday she weighed 8lbs 8.5 ounces and was 22 inches long. Tall and skinny my girl is. She sleeps through the night for the most part and is the calmest most laid back baby Ive ever been around. She is starting to smile when I come into the room and she just loves to look at her brothers. She stares at them all the time.

The boys are adjusting well to life with a newborn. Lucas loves to sing to her and Mark is constantly asking to hold her. We are starting to have some warmer weather, so we are able to go for walks and get to the park a time or two a week. I had a couple daycare kids for a couple weeks as well. Unfortunately, they were only visiting their grandparents and have since gone back to North Dakota with their parents. It was nice having the extra money though and I will be looking to add some more children to our daycare family. No matter if I decide to open the daycare or not, I do need to find some way to make more money. We are barely surviving with the income we have at the moment. I want to have more than what we currently have. So Ill be looking for work again soon. I will give myself some time to find daycare families to work with but if I cant find any soon enough I will need to start putting out applications. I hate the thought of leaving all the kids again but we need more income. I just have to make it until Sonny gets home and then we can both get work and things will be easier!

Other than hanging with the kids, trying to get our routine down and trying to find a way to make money, we have just been hanging out. I love being with my children, watching them grow. Lucas is learning his alphabet and Mark is working on numbers and colors and shapes! Olivia is working on belly time, holding her head up on her own a little more every day.

I love my family and I know God has a plan for us... Not sure what it is but I know everything will be okay in the end!
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