Tuesday, May 15, 2012

30 Day photo Challenge - Day 6

A picture of someone you would like to trade places with for a day -

I know this is probably a cliche answer but I would LOVE to trade places with my husband. For two reasons! First, I really want to see what the hell goes through his head when I am around, or in a mood or whatever! Second, Id like him to see what goes through my head, my thought process. I think it could essentially be really good for us. To see how the other one gets from point A to point B with a thought.

I think it would help me understand him better and understand what he needs from me on so many levels. Plus I could make him do funny stuff and people would think it was him!! Haha That's always a plus!

I think this photo represents him best for this scenario because as they say "The eyes are the window to the soul" and this is his eye after a couple of days on the road and to me it represents him allowing me to see into himself. Maybe not his soul but just into him.... To me it makes his look vulnerable and that is something he has a hard time being around me, something I wish he would/could show me more often.

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