Wednesday, May 30, 2012

30 Day Photo challenge- Day 24

A photo of something you wish you could change

I wish I would have fought harder for my marriage. I wish I wouldn't have let other people dictate how I handle my life. If only I would have been stronger, more adamant about him cleaning up his act, maybe we wouldn't be where we are now. Sure I wouldn't have Olivia and that kills me to think about... but...

No!! I was right to leave... My heart wants to change it but my brain knows I did the right thing. I needed to know I could make it on my own, away from him. I needed to see that his problem was NOT caused by me, which he proved when he was sent to prison. I needed it to allow myself to heal some wounds. Sure I love him, he is my best friend and I pray for him every day and when he gets out I want us to be together but now we BOTH know how it needs to be!!Pin It

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