Saturday, May 26, 2012

30 Day Photo challenge- Day 19

A photo of you when you were little

YES! I know! I was adorable!! and YES I wore glasses LOL. Not sure why my mom wore them, she didn't need them back then! I've needed them my whole life but once school started the kids made fun of me so I threw them away or washed them... I found a way to get rid of them. Now, I cant see LOL I wish I would have worn them like I needed to but what can I do now? This is my mom and me back in the good ole days before she shacked up with my evil step father! Now now now... dont judge me.. the guy was a major doosh bag! Liked to beat up on little kids when he was drunk and spend our rent money on drugs! Needless to say, I have no love for the man! Sure he gave my mom my brother and sister THANKS ASSHOLE!! (jk)but still...

Anyways - we lived close to my grandma and papa when this was taken! I was the favorite (and only) grand child. My uncles still loved me and I could do no wrong... I miss those days!Pin It

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