Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!!

Well today is frustrating enough. The boys have waited for today to be the worst behaved kids in the history of kids misbehaving on Christmas Eve. Why?!?!?! So frustrating, that's for sure. Trying to occupy their time with movies and playing outside and we're even going to play with massive amounts of play doh but they just don't want to listen and I'm being forced to raise my voice more often than I would care for, today especially. I seem to be grumpier than usual today as well. I'm just tired I think, I didn't sleep well last night and I know that tomorrow will be a disappointment present-wise to the boys. Not having their dad is depressing and its just me the boys and my mom, who seems to be a nagging b!t*h today as well. All morning she has been yelling at the boys to stop doing this and stop doing that.... over trivial things like sitting upside down on the furniture but completely ignoring the absolutely bad behavior. It drives me nuts and puts me in a worse mood. Hopefully, some baking will help me turn this frown upside down and I can get on with my day. I guess we will see!
I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a truly blessed holiday season.

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